The INSIDE STEM project
Social Inclusion of the visually impaired students through STEM projects
This project aims at strengthening STEM skills for the blind in consortium countries and other European countries, through developing the necessary intellectual and tangible outputs for the visually impaired students, as well as their teachers, so as to motivate them create STEM based projects and improve technology and digital skills, while favoring opportunities for participation, social inclusion and interaction with their classmates. It also aims at diffusing best practices developed not only in countries with a long tradition in inclusion education, but even in those less developed in this educational area, via the creation of a handbook and an e-learning platform, about student STEM projects.
The implementation of this project in European level will contribute to transferable outcomes and good practices between countries with different types of inclusion schools and different integration levels of STEM trend to education.
In order to achieve these goals a “train the trainers” philosophy will be conducted, aiming to capacity building of inclusion schools’ teachers, about the STEM methodology, the assistive technologies (3d printing) and the educational material which will be used.

The Consortium of this project has set the following objectives:

Making accessible the education of STEM projects for Visually Impaired (VI) students

Capacity building of teachers working on inclusion or special schools with Visually Impaired (VI) students in the application of STEM Projects with the use of 3D Printing.

The design and support of the E-learning platform “STEM projects for the Visually Impaired students” and other educational material which will support teachers and students working in inclusion education with VI students.

Visually Impaired students
Visually Impaired (VI) students (those who are blind or have low vision), aged 12-18 years old, attending in an inclusion school or a center specialized in visual impairments

Teachers, who want to cultivate their visually impaired students’ knowledge on STEM

Students, aged 12-18 years old, attending an inclusion school with VI classmates