1. 3D Printing Basics:
Applications for People with
Visual Impairment
3. Tinkercad Design – What it is and How it Works
4. Tinkercad
part 2
5. Tinkercad
part 3
6. Cura Slicer
part 1
7. Slicing
part 2
8. INSIDE: Tools/ applications for 3rd printed material for the VI
9. Lesson plans for the visually impaired part I
10. Lesson plans
4 and 5
11. Pilot Phase 1
12. Pilot Phase 2
14. INSIDE webinar 14
- The Webinars will be held in English Language.
- For each session a Webinar Educational Package will be delivered to participants containing: the Webinar Script, the educational material (presentations, pdfs’, videos, etc.) and quizzes for assessment.
- Each webinar will be video recorded and uploaded in the INSIDE website (https://insidestem.eu), after each session.
- At the end of each Webinar, the participants will complete an online evaluation form for the assessment of the implementation of the Webinar.
In order to receive a Certification of Attendance the following criteria should be met:
- Attending at least 10 of 14 in total webinars and completing all the assignments during them.
- Completion of Evaluation form at the end of each webinar (the evaluation concerns the implementation of the webinar and not your progress)
- Apply one STEM project (you will need to provide by a ready lesson plan) in your school the period January-May 2022
- Design a new STEM project in collaboration with other colleagues (you will need to provide by a Lesson Plan Template) based on your classroom needs.