Founded in 1973, UMinho is nowadays one of the most important and prestigious HEIs in Portugal. It is renowned for the competence and quality of its faculty and for the level of excellence in research as well as the wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses offered and the remarkable degree of interaction with other institutions and the society in general.
Located in the north of Portugal, UMinho has a campus in the city of Braga and two other in the city of Guimarães, which cover a student population of around 20000, 40% of which are master or PhD students. The University has 1200 teaching and research staff and around 800 technical and administrative staff.
The University’s organisational structure is flexible and conducive to innovation and interdisciplinary, favouring the exploration of emerging research areas. All 12 Schools/Institutes are quite comprehensive and are a reference for their academic and scientific quality at national and international level. UMinho education and research projects have gained strong international recognition and are supported by a close interaction with many other research centres worldwide. UMinho is a research university, committed to the valorisation of knowledge and also focused on the socio-economic environment, with many successful partnerships. The Shanghai Ranking 2019 ranked UMinho between the 500 best universities worldwide, and Times Higher Education, in the University Impact Rankings 2019, considered UMinho as the best Portuguese university and the 83th across the world for its social and economic impact, based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
UMINHO offers 57 1st cycle and integrated Master’s degrees, almost 100 Master courses and over 60 PhD programmes (several international programs involving prestigious institutions such as MIT and CMU, USA). Internationalisation is an institutional priority and UMinho has a long and soundly-based experience in coordinating and participating in several EU programmes.
The Centre of Physics, UMinho-based part of the CF-UM-UP (ranked Very Good) carries multi-disciplinary research centred on Physics, Materials, Bionanosystems, Optics and Vision Science. Its facilities include equipment for materials growth and characterisation and studies of the optical, electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties. 

The public grouping of Schools of Henriques Nogueira consists of 9 kindergartens, 6 school of 1 cycle, 1 school of 2 and 3 cycles and 1 secondary school, the headquarters of the group. He has on his team over 204 teachers (160 at AEHN headquarters) and 84 technical staff for a population of about 2170 students aged 3 to 60.
The headquarter school is located in Torres Vedras, 50 km north of Lisbon, and this group is mostly frequented by a population coming from rural areas. Since its inception in the early 1970s, its orientation is related to technological / professional courses. Today, has general scientific and humanistic courses and also professional courses such as Commerce, Graphic Design, Management and Programming of Computer Systems, Health Care, Processing and Food Quality Control, Managemen, Multimedia and Sport.
In order to ensure adequate vocational training for young people, the school has protocols with more than 60 companies in the region. The school also offers training for adults who want to increase their school and/or professional skills and Portuguese language to foreigners. We are thus a school that promotes inclusion policies, for which it contributes to the work of the QUALIFICA Centre based at the headquarters of the Group, in partnerships with IEFP, Chambers of Torres Vedras and Sobral de Monte Agraço, Social Security, associations sporting and cultural activities of the region, companies and professional and business associations.
Our secondary school is a Reference School for Blind and Low Vision students. 

Τhe Ν.G.O. “Protoporia” supports and educates the Visually Impaired students and their Families on a national level, by providing them with educational / therapeutical / recreational programs and counseling/psychological support services for more than twenty years, following the new and innovative tendencies in the field of Special Education and Inclusion Education. Protoporia’s vision is to create a world where the diversity inclusion and the equal opportunities prevail.
Since September 2016, Protoporia has been operating the 1st Creative Occupational Centre for Visually Impaired Children in Greece, a program which provides creativity classes for the Visually Impaired students of pre-school, primary and secondary educational level. The services offered involve recreational and leisure time activities, along with the development of individual and social skills. The program is implemented by specialist and experienced scientific staff, in cooperation with the Centre for Education & Rehabilitation for the Blind and other approved bodies. During the five years of operation, the 1st Creative Occupational Centre for Visually Impaired Children has reached the number of 574 beneficiaries, making an important impact in their everyday lives and facilitating their integration in the Society. 

E-Nable Greece is a support group that believes that our limitations can reveal our uniqueness. We design simple devices (accessories, assistive prosthetic devices, educational kits) for every need and every person who deals with body disability of upper limb or visual impairment. Our designs focus on social inclusion, increase of participation in social activities, enhancement of everyday life and improvement of education. These devices are constructed with 3D Printing technology and delivered to recipients at No Cost for them. e-Nable Greece trains individuals related with people with disabilities (their teachers, families, friends) and every person interested in the utilization of 3D Printing in order to contribute to the reduction of social exclusion of vulnerable groups. e-Nable Greece promotes the engagement of all citizens to actions with great social impact to their local communities and moreοver supports the European objective for social inclusion. e-Nable Greece is member of Athens Coordination Center for Migrants and Refugees, of the European network Let Her In (which supports European Citizens with a special focus on women) and European Network of Innovation for Inclusion. 

Palade Basic School is a small village school on the island Hiiumaa. There are 9 grades with 71 students. For last 5 years, Palade School has been a supporter and approval of inclusive education, in 2015, the school participated in a nationwide inclusive education pilot project initiated and coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Research. During the project Palade school redesigned the necessary classrooms for students with special needs, trained teachers and diversified the possibilities of the inclusion of pupils with special needs in mainstream education. The school has since been the best provider of inclusive education in Hiiumaa. This includes a range of support activities and an individual approach to each student. Students have a diverse school life through various hobby groups and school events. The school also offers a warm lunch, morning meal and snacks made from local ingredients and following the principles of healthy eating. The school has its own gym, stadium, forest adventure trail, technical house and many other recreational activities in cooperation with the municipal organizations. In addition to its inclusive education policy, the school offers excellent science and nature activities and study programs at the school’s Palade Nature Education Center, which plays a major role in valuing nature education, cultural heritage, and diversifying curricula / programs.

Eurosuccess Consulting (EUROSC) is a Consulting & Training organization active in the field of project management, training & consulting services. Through a dynamic team of young scientists, Eurosuccess provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of various target groups and organizations, regarding their lifelong learning opportunities, in Cyprus and abroad. The organisation offers a variety of services to the Public, as well as the Private sector of Cyprus. It also actively participates in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder. Eurosuccess is a member of the: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), and Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI). Furthermore, Eurosuccess is an accredited VET Center from the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards to training and education.